WHAT A SUMMER ITS BEEN… It really has been the most magical few months, with celebrations galore; four weddings, two hen dos, two stag dos, two trips abroad (Portugal and Cyprus), many birthdays, many staycations and lots of time…
If you are lucky enough to own a garden space, then you’ll know how amazing it is to have outdoor space for you and your family. However it can be a daunting prospect when you move in to a…
It is no secret that as women we take on a lot of roles in our lives, from caregivers to providers, from mums to partners. It is hugely important that we look after ourselves and take the time to…
Being covered by a health insurance policy can be a cost-saving option if you decide on getting private treatment for an injury or illness. But choosing health insurance can be a complex process. Health insurance in the UK can…
There are many benefits to having a healthy, attractive smile and one of the most popular cosmetic procedures to achieve this is teeth whitening. But what happens when you go home? Here is my overview of teeth whitening aftercare…
Are you looking to teach English online? Then you are in the right place. And the best bit? All you need is a laptop and a stable wifi connection. It’s an income generator I have fallen back on multiple…
Are you in the process of buying a house? As you guys know, we’ve just sold our house and moved into a new home. And when buying for the second time around there’s no denying we were more aware…
After a chaotic year of trying to sell our home three times, I thought I would pull together a blog post all about my top tips for selling your home. We sold with Purple Bricks which meant we were…
Packing… often rather a lot of effort. Therefore I have pulled together my go-to packing list for Europe! And keep reading for my printable packing list for you to download. After years of travelling around Europe from country to…
How is it the end of 2020 already?! This year has been one of the toughest, challenging and emotionally draining years I’ve ever experienced and I am sure that’s the same for you too. 2020 was the year we…
Being productive or to put it concretely, working less and getting more done sounds impossible, right? You might think that by working 10 hours a day, you will feel more accomplished compared to someone who only works 6 hours.…
If you’re looking for unique travel gifts, you’re in the right place. In this blog post, I have pulled together 10 gifts for family or friends who love the great outdoors. These unique travel gifts will provide you with…