In a world of fast-paced, busy lives sleep often becomes forgotten, or drops down our priority list. I know from personal experience when I feel stressed and don’t get enough sleep I then struggle to focus, stay on track,…
It is no secret that as women we take on a lot of roles in our lives, from caregivers to providers, from mums to partners. It is hugely important that we look after ourselves and take the time to…
Being covered by a health insurance policy can be a cost-saving option if you decide on getting private treatment for an injury or illness. But choosing health insurance can be a complex process. Health insurance in the UK can…
There are many benefits to having a healthy, attractive smile and one of the most popular cosmetic procedures to achieve this is teeth whitening. But what happens when you go home? Here is my overview of teeth whitening aftercare…
Cambridge Weight Plan as it claims it can help dieters shed weight faster than most other plans, thanks to its extremely low-calorie limit. But how much does it cost?! I get asked this question every – single – week!…
I’m not sure about you, but during the lockdown, my small 2-bedroom flat in Balham has become a home office, beauty spa and a gym. For the last 3-4 years, I have had a very solid workout routine. In…
Stress headaches or tension headaches are exceptionally common. But how do you get rid of stress headaches?! It is often difficult and painful. It’s thought that up to 80% of adults suffer at some point in their lives. For…
Walking holidays in Europe have become more and more popular in recent years, as we look more towards active holidays with adventure and culture. Gone are the days when travellers want to sit on a sunbed for hours on…
Last month on a sunny Friday afternoon after work Theo and went put ourselves through our paces for a weekend boot camp with the lovely ladies that run Body and Mind Reboot in Bedfordshire. With both of us living fast-paced,…
Every July, from the Grand Départ to the Champs-Élyssés, my friend is glued to his TV screen watching the Tour de France. He does cycle, well sometimes, and he does enjoy the competitive element of the Tour but above…
As some of you already know, last summer I lost three stone whilst doing Cambridge Weight Plan. I got back my confidence and style after years of putting on weight due to my mental health problems. I finally felt…
One of the hottest diets right now – Cambridge Weight Plan as it claims it can help dieters shed weight faster than most other plans, thanks to its extremely low calorie limit. But how much does it cost?! I…