Brush Stroke


Brush Stroke

Sardinia, the second largest island in the Mediterranean (after Sicily) is often referred to as the Mediterranean’s answer to the Caribbean. And there are so many amazing things to do in Sardinia.

Brush Stroke

Sardinia is an Italian island, however it is extremely protective of its Sardinian identity and even has some autonomy from the state.

La Maddalena Island and La Maddalena Archipelago

The La Maddalena Archipelago is one of Sardinia’s biggest gems. The waters are crystal clear and the sand bright white (and sometimes pink, although pink beaches are protected from the public).

Take a day trip to Corsica

You can catch the ferry from Santa Teresa di Gallura which takes you to the town of Bonifacio in Southern Corsica. If like me you like fitting in as many countries as possible on one trip.

Capo Testa

Capo Testa is located in the town of Santa Teresa di Gallura is one of the top rated beaches in Sardinia


To see the full list of THE BEST THINGS TO DO IN SARDINIA 

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