Brush Stroke


Brush Stroke

Work from home has become a sudden reality, with the rise of offices shutting during the coronavirus outbreak and more people generally owning businesses and looking for a flexible work-life balance.

Brush Stroke

I have worked from home for over two years now part-time and I just wanted to share tips I have learned during this time. 

Building your space

If you have space within your home for a desk, use it! It is really great to create separate spaces so that you differentiate between workspace and living space.

Remember how important sleep is – it really is as important as physical health. Make sure you check out some of my sleep guides for more advice on sleeping!

Finish work two hours of bedtime

You must keep well hydrated by drinking plenty of clear fluids, warm or cold. If you become unwell with flu-like symptoms it’s best to drink warm liquids so as to help soothe the chest and soften the mucus.

Keep hydrated

Make sure, especially if you are working at a laptop for most of your day, make sure you get breaks in, take an hour lunch and go for a walk.

Structure your day

A tidy space is great for your mental health so I always try to clean up after the day working from home. I would recommend putting things away when you’re not using them.

Clean up your surroundings

The more colours you can eat, the better. Always remember to stick to a rainbow diet, especially when you are spending a lot of time inside and looking at screens.

Eat a healthy varied diet



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